SignatureCalling™: Deliver every dial with trust

Video: Just Pick Up the Phone!

Tim McLain

Boost your brand and increase your odds of a receptive “Hello”!

Getting people to pick up the phone is the holy grail of call and contact centers, and the businesses they support. As convenient as texting and email may be, nothing beats a real, live person at the other end of the line. But how do you make that happen among the dozens of anonymous calls people receive every day—or worse yet, when your calls come up with a spam (scam, fraud?!) label?

While STIR/SHAKEN was all the rage just yesterday, the VoIP industry is already much more complicated today. Watch this Cloud Comms Industry Briefing to hear Numeracle VP Molly Weis explain how you can ensure your calls are recognized, trusted, and answered:

  • Avoid machine rejection and calls blocked at the network level
  • Fix negative call labels and protect your reputation with assisted remediation
  • Utilize dialing best practices to maximize goodwill
  • Spot-check and verify the display of your calls on-demand
  • Evaluate the impact of delivering a branded presence with caller ID name
  • Put a Know Your Customer plan in place to mitigate risk of network-wide shut downs

Don’t wait till you have a problem and your call completion rates are dropping off a cliff. Watch now and keep customers answering!

In addition, we had some great questions from viewers and we want to share the answers with everyone:

Q: What is the difference between CNAM and branding with caller ID? Branded caller ID doesn’t mean logos or context on the screen, does it? It’s very common for people’s names coming across caller ID that are Spam, so are those names coming across via something like CNAM or is this poor vetting in Branded Caller ID?

A: There is a lot going on behind the scenes of what displays on an incoming call screen. When we refer to branded calling, we’re referring to branded information displaying on a mobile device (cell phone vs. landline). CNAM is the technology used to display caller ID name to landline devices. While the display of logos along with caller name is in the works across the top carriers, the widest adopted current capability is limited to caller name display only (no graphics). The display of a Scam or Spam label in place of a caller ID name is fueled by call blocking and labeling algorithms in place across the big 3 carriers. These algorithms assign a call label (Scam / Spam) in the event negative reputation on the number is identified. This negative reputation can override a branded caller name, so we recommend ensuring reputation is addressed before investing in a branding strategy! Read more here.

Q: There are calls made to subscribers that people may avoid once they know it’s you, but are important calls to have—e.g., certain types of collections calls. What have you seen best-practice-wise to connect these types of calls? You can’t just stop calling people, or calling them with the same number they are avoiding, or calling them only once or twice.

A: In these types of situations, we’ve seen businesses trying a more omnichannel approach including text, online chat-bots, or email communications to supplement inability to reach subscribers via phone. It can be very difficult to connect with a called party actively avoiding you, but if multiple options are offered to assist callers in completing the action you’re looking to help them complete, this makes for a better business-to-consumer experience. Agent voicemail scripting is another avenue to investigate, as is deploying a multi-phone number approach to outreach.

Q: What are the most common Know Your Customer (KYC) sections people do not complete or fail to meet the minimum standards? Have you seen an increase in leads that don’t meet the KYC standard and, if so, why do you think that is?

A: KYC requirements change based on the application. In the example of enterprise communicators failing to meet the KYC requirements set forth by service providers, a common failure point we see is a failure for the enterprise to prove its legitimacy (seems to have changed business names multiple times, perhaps its leaders are hiding behind a shell company, can’t be specific about the nature of the calls being placed, unknown dialing environment, etc.).

With a heightened focus on protecting the voice network from fraud, KYC requirements pretty much across the board are becoming more stringent. The legitimate callers will work to bring their credentials up to a higher level to meet requirements, the bad actors will cut corners and search for vulnerabilities to exploit on another network.

Commio’s monthly Industry Briefings tap seasoned telecom experts to review the hottest topics around voice and text messaging in the cloud, helping you stay current on everything you need to know to power better customer experiences with smart, reliable omnichannel communications—while respecting your busy schedule.

Date posted: November 7, 2023

Topic: Outbound   Outbound Voice  

Tags: Caller ID   CNAM   Know Your Customer  

Tim McLain

A passionate technologist at heart with more than 30 years of marketing experience, Tim loves using technology to help businesses solve problems and grow their bottom line. Tim is happiest brainstorming new approaches to marketing and communications to help Commio's partners better understand, trust, and embrace our cloud communications solutions. In his spare time, he loves shooting and editing video, riding long distances on North Carolina’s amazing bike trails, and enjoying the darkest craft beer he can find.

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