Commio would like to make our text messaging customers aware of important changes to T-Mobile’s new fees and penalty charges announced in late September and the beginning of October, 2021.
T-Mobile has extended the implementation date for its $50 Campaign Service Activation Fees and $50 Campaign Service Migration Fees from October 1 to December 1, 2021. Commio will still cover customers’ first $50 campaign fee. Please note that this applies only to 10DLC text messaging campaigns.
T-Mobile is not charging the Special Business Review Request fee at this time. T-Mobile will provide a 30-day notice before adding it.
Additionally, the deadline for brands with active campaigns to obtain “Verified” status has been extended to November 1. This means that campaigns from “Unverified” brands will continue to be active until November, after which they will be deactivated. If any of your Unverified brands has active campaigns, we encourage you to resubmit for verification.
T-Mobile will start charging the Grey Route Noncompliance fee starting January 1, 2022. This pass-through fee applies if you attempt to route A2P messages as P2P messages after 10DLC is enabled, and is $10 per 10DLC message.
As a reminder, the following T-Mobile fees are now effective as of October 1:
- NNID Registration – $2,000 one-time Pass-Through Fee, if a custom Net Number ID (NNID) other than the default NNID provided by teli is needed for new 10DLC programs.
- Text Enablement – $10,000 Pass-Through Fee, applied if T-Mobile receives a complaint that a campaign sent messages before approval was obtained, including verification of message sender ownership or letter of authorization.
- 10-Digit Long Code Messaging Program Evasion – $1,000 Pass-Through Fee, triggered if a campaign uses dynamic routes, snowshoeing, or unauthorized number replacement.
- Content Violation – $10,000 Pass-Through Fee, imposed for each instance of 3+ notifications of message content that violates T-Mobile’s Code of Conduct. This includes spam, phishing, SHAFT (Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco) violations, and messaging that meets a Severity 0 violation. Consult the CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook for details.
While 10DLC text messaging campaigns are an excellent way to reach prospects and customers, we understand that the current fluctuation in carrier rules and fees can be complicated. We are working on a consolidated 10DLC Carrier Pricing and Policy document and will notify customers when this is available.
Customers with additional questions should contact our support team via As always, Commio committed to the success of your messaging campaigns and appreciate your patience as the carriers and overall industry change over time.
See also: 10DLC History, Advantages | The Players | Brand Registry | Campaign Registry | Registration How-To