This year’s coronavirus pandemic is showing employers of all shapes and sizes the relative importance of everything from commuting to the office, face-to-face meetings, and what it means to be a worker in the modern economy. With social separation (distancing) keeping us all safe, employer transition to telecommuting is well-positioned to remake our assumptions, both for the current crisis and beyond.
Watch our new webinar to learn how cloud communications is now the “new normal” for telework. See how modern APIs are powering voice and text messaging (SMS/MMS), connecting millions of employees to their offices via high-quality voice (VoIP) calls as well as delivering alerts and updates via SMS/MMS.
According to Brookings, “this surge in teleworking raises questions about whether the cloud technologies that enable telework – voice over internet protocol (VoIP), video conferencing, remote desktops, etc. – can scale to handle coronavirus-related traffic, and what we can do to ensure all workers are able to take advantage of it. At the same time, the crisis also forces us to reconsider if there’s a loss of value at all when we don’t work face-to-face.”
In 2018, about a quarter of the American workforce (23.7%) worked some hours from home on an average day. And according to the Eno Center for Transportation, as of 2017 more Americans work from home than commute via mass transit.
Though the numbers are highest for those with advanced degrees, employees across the education spectrum also put in some hours from home. Further, telework isn’t limited to specific geographies—some of the densest metro areas boast high rates of telecommuting, while in rural areas, telework has slowed the brain drain some regions experience.
Now, working from home via the cloud is the “new normal” for the foreseeable future, and you’re invited to reach out to Commio’s cloud communication specialists to learn more about adding our cloud voice and texting solutions to your telework application or VoIP system in minutes with minimal code changes and save up to 70%.